After a long time researching on exactly how to update my iPhone's firmware to 1.1.4, I finally took the plunge and did it! Took less time than i imagined really. It was a YouTube video that really gave me the confidence to do it (Thank god for the Internet!)
Before we go on, here are afew things that you need to know and prep beforehand:
Prep work:
1) Backup your iPhone via iTunes
You'll want to do this so that iTunes stores your latest data from Contacts, Calendar, SMS, Notes, Stock portfolio, Weather locations etc. It wont backup your 3rd party apps so make a note of your repo sites. If necessary, backup any game saves by using SSH into your iPhone (if you know how to get the games on there, you already know how to do that). Once you have run iLiberty+, your iPhone will be unlocked etc, but will have no data until you restore from this backup.
2) Download the 1.1.4 firmware package
3) Download iLiberty+ for OSX or PC
This software is wonderfully packaged into a nice neat UI you could almost hug. And it works too! Get it from
4) Check what Bootloader version you're using. Assuming your iPhone is cracked, use Installer to add this repo site:
BBInfo under Utility category. Run this to see whether your Bootloader is 3.9, or 4.6.
Actual instructions:
1) Backup iPhone to iTunes.
Once you sync it, it should do a backup. If not, manually click on SYNC. Proof of backup is viewed in iTunes' preferences > Syncing
2) Connect iPhone to USB connector
You should see the iPhone summary page popup.
3) "RESTORE" from specified location.
Important note: Click RESTORE, not the Upgrade button! Afew people tried that, it iLiberty+ didn't work.
On OSX, hold ALT key and left click Restore. On Windows, its SHIFT click Restore. Specify the firmware ZIP file, and just let it do its thing. It will then do several things, and eventually return to the iPhone summary page but display message along the lines of "This sim card is not the original AT&T one, please insert that one." We'll sort that out in the next step. I believe Windows users also need to ensure that iTunes recognises the iPhone again by unplugging it and reconnecting. Once its recognised, Windows users need to close iTunes app down before doing the next step.
4) Run iLiberty+ and tick all three options. I believe you can tick the 3.9FB option too if you know you have 4.6 Bootloader on your newer iPhone model. Let it do its thing and it should only take 3-4mins max. For Windows users, CAREFULLY follow the instructions to remove and plug in the USB connector. Once its finished, you'll see the app congratulate you with an "Enjoy" message, and the iPhone reboots to the "recharging" screen.
5) Start up iTunes again and restore. iTunes is smart enough to release it backed up this iPhone, so restore from previous backup. Once done, all your standard data will be restored. Songs and movies are sync'd separately.
6) Sync songs and movies. As per the usual way, click on the tabs and select your playlists etc.
Recommended reading / Further information:
Tutorial steps and screenshots on using iLiberty+