Tuesday, March 4, 2008

iPhone "Package download failed"

If you've updated the Installer on your iPhone, you may see this error when trying to update or install any new software.

It happened to me, but its stopped now, and i think its something to do with adding installs to the Queue.

Anyway here are some suggested solutions to the problem, posted up on hackint0sh.org:

had the same problems
i solved it with doing the fllowing steps:
goto "Installer"
hit "Install"
choose "Sources"
install "Community Sources"
after these steps everything worked on my 2 iphones

If that doesn't work try:
Tap 'install' on any of the installation and then tap 'Clear Queue'
Try a few times if it still doesn't work.
Hope that helps.
Simpy go to
Uninstall - Installer - Reinstall
The only solution which worked for me.

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