Tuesday, July 22, 2008

PwageTool 2.0.1 - It Works!

1st Generation iPhone successfully hacked to run a custom firmware that combines official 2.0 firmware (VPN, Contacts search, Push email for Exchange and MobileMe webapps, AppStore applications) with the classic Installer.app homebrew scene!

PwnageTool, developed by the iPhone Dev Team, is a very slick piece of software, currently only for Macs. As long as you have the correct firmware for your model (1st gen iPhone, iPhone 3G, or iPod Touch), and you have both bootloaders 3.9 and 4.6, it mixes them up into a custom firmware that you "restore" onto your iPhone via iTunes. I found it easiest to get the whole package from a torrent site demonoid.com. If you would rather not torrent, then skip below and follow the instructions on the two blog sites I mention further down that have screenshots documenting the steps.

PwnageTool 2.0.1 w/ Firmware 2.0 + bootloaders for 1st Gen iPhone :

PwnageTool 2.0.1 w/ Firmware 2.0 + bootloaders for 3G iPhone :

PwnageTool 2.0.1 with Firmware 2.0 for iPod Touch

(I cannot vouch for these, as they are 2.0.0 not 2.0.1)
iPod Touch Firmware 2.0 Pwnage for Windows

1st Gen iPhone Firmware 2.0 Pwnage for Windows

3G iPhone Firmware 2.0 Pwnage for Windows

The steps are clearly documented with screenshots at these two blog sites below. Make sure you read them thoroughly and repeat until you have a clear idea of what to do next.

And here's the original website from iPhone Dev Team: http://blog.iphone-dev.org/post/42931306/pwnagetool-2-0-1#disqus_thread

Once you've done that, you will see that your iPhone is now on 2.0, but with the very welcome icon of Cydia on it too. Cydia is a repository application installer, like Installer.app. Currently homebrew apps that ran well on 1.1.4 are not compatible with 2.0 yet, so give the developers some time to convert them over. But to be really honest, most of the apps you saw on Installer are already available on the official App Store too (both the good and the bad!)

Don't forget to sync over your media and also setup MobileMe on your iPhone! (http://www.apple.com/mobileme/setup/iphone/mac.html)

1 comment:

Pouc le Bouc said...

I am ciavaldp from Demonoid, I uploaded these torrents, but now they're obsolete and I deleted them.
Could you please update your post and link it to "My Torrents" which is dynamicaly updated with the torrents I upload ?

Thank you.